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General Instruments Consortium is the largest and oldest manufacturing company in India covering Engineering parameters including Pressure, Temperature and Flow. This company was established by Capt. M.M. Kulkarni in the year 1966. We are a group of 6 manufacturing plants, manufacturing variety of products and having over 425 people working with the group. You can look into our entire product range on our Website “”,“” & “” General Instruments Consortium is an ISO-9001:2008 certified Organisation. The management of all 4 manufacturing plants are controlled by Head Organisation – General Instruments Consortium. This is a family owned concern operating its manufacturing plants under different names for documentation / taxation purpose in India. General Instruments Consortium is in the only Indian company whose products are CSA (Canadian Standard Association), “UL” (Underwriters Laboratory), certified, “CE” certified, “CRN Number from M/s. Alberta Boiler’s Municipal Affairs, Canada. Apart from the supply of various products to various Industrial Sectors including Oil Exploration, Fertilizers, Chemicals, Refineries, Petrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Cement, Paper etc., in India for over 45 years, General Instruments Consortium has established its name in the International market. We are the only Indian company who is on the approved vendor list of M/s. Kuwait National Petroleum Company, M/s. Kuwait Oil Company, M/s. Qatar General Petroleum Corporation, M/s. Sabic (Vendor I.D. No.500820), M/s. Saudi Aramco (Vendor I.D. No.10012106), M/s. Ministry of Oil, Baghdad (Daura Refinery, North Gas, South Oil Refinery), M/s. ENOC, Dubai, M/s. Petronas – Malaysia, M/s. China Petroleum, etc. We are also proud to mention here that we are the only Indian company who has been approved by leading Engineering Consultant M/s. Stone & Webster for the supply of Temperature Elements and Thermowells for Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant being constructed by M/s. Taiwan Power Company in Taiwan. Today we have presence in more than 15 countries, covering Middle East, South East Asia, Europe, UK, Australia, Canada and USA. The company has best manufacturing facilities and supplied the products under the inspection of M/s. Lloyds, M/s. Bureau Veritas, M/s. SGS, M/s. American Bureau of Shipping, M/s. DNV, etc. General has proved its export excellence by winning prestigious “Export Excellence Award” by Ministry of Commerce, Govt. of India, consecutively for past 4 years. To know more about us please visit our website, &