Item Code: RXSOL-40-4010-025
1) Rocor NB Liquid ::: Part No.- RXSOL-40-4001-025 COOLING WATER CORROSION & SCALE INHIBITORCorrosion Inhibitor for Water Systems having unique formulation with highly concentrated liquid cooling treatment compound, ferrous & Non ferrous corrosion inhibitors, antiscalants , dispersant and buffer solution of non carbonate.Usefull for use in high or low temperature closed cooling water systems for the prevention of corrosion and scale formation in internal combustion engines, compressors, chiller system and DG sets. Protects all metals including cast iron, mild steels and copper. Recommended ppm levels are easily controlled by standered RXSOL test kit Nitrite / Chloride.The stable protective microfilm prevents corrosion caused by electrolytic action and the alkaline nature of this product prevents acid attack.
The stability of the added polymers are very useful for water treatment processes. Such polymers with low molecular weights cannot only inhibit calcium, magnesium, and silica scale in cooling towers and boilers, but also help corrosion control by dispersing iron oxide. Prolongs the life of equipment by keeping it scale and corrosion free. Since RXSOL-40-4001-025 is alkaline, it willsuppress acid corrosion, which would otherwise result in sever pittings. It improves cooling efficiency by maintaining clean heat transfer surfaces , from Radiators, DG - sets, Closed Cooling and chiller System.FIELDS ::: --- Suitable for use in closed water cooling systems, ice melting systems and transformer cooling systems. The product may be used in all kinds of diesel & petrol engines, compressor or heating cooling water circuits.( Used as a corrosion inhibitor for all ferrous and non-ferrous metals found in water systems ) 2) Rocor NB Liquid With Indicator ::: PART No.- RXSOL-40-4034-025 - Corrosion Inhibitor for Water Systems having unique formulation with highly concentrated liquid cooling treatment compound with indicator, ferrous & Non ferrous corrosion inhibitors, antiscalants , dispersant and buffer solution of non carbonate. Usefull for use in high or low temperature closed cooling water systems for the prevention of corrosion and scale formation in internal combustion engines, compressors, chiller system and DG sets. Protects all metals including cast iron, mild steels and copper. Recommended ppm levels are easily controlled by standered RXSOL test kit Nitrite / Chloride.3) Diesel Guard NB Pwd ( Rust Scale Inhibitor ) ::: RXSOL-40-4002-025 is a dry powder, nitrite / borate based compound with unique formulation with organic corrosion inhibitors and anti-scalants for use in closed cooling water systems.
A non-chromate powdered product incorporated with corrosion inhibitors specially designed to inhibit and prevent corrosion in diesel cooling waters systems4) Bio Dispersant (Cooling Water Treatment) ::: RXSOL-40-4093-210 is a high specification product developed to improve the performance of cooling water systems where fouling by microbiological slimes is reducing overall system efficiency, by removing and dispersing the unwanted deposits. 5) Corroision Inhibitor for closed & Open cooling system :::
Supplementary corrosion inhibitor - open or closed cooling systemsRXSOL-40-4028 is an innovative, supplementary corrosion inhibitor developed specifically for use in open or closed cooling systems. In particular, RXSOL-40-4028 creates an insoluble polymeric surface complex on copper and its alloys, and also reacts with copper in solution. RXSOL-40-4028 also works synergistically with other inhibitors to effectively control the corrosion of steel and aluminium in the system.