Item Code: RXSOL-22-3019-210
RXSOL ORG 10 is a high pH formultion that has been designed specifically to remove organics, silt and other particulate deposits from all polyamide, polysulfone and thin film composite membrane surfaces.RXSOL ORG 10 is a powdered buffered alkaline detergent developed , Especially for cleaning alkaline tolerant reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration membranes.
Maintains production capacity
Special formula maintains membrane flux rate
Chelates and buffered alkalinity effectively remove fouling agents from alkaline
Tolerant RO and UF membranes
Dissolves freely to reduce labor and cleaning time, Easy to add balance formulation eliminates need for adding separate additives or boosters, Rinse quickly and completely to reduce cleaning time
ITS ADVANCE FORMULATION MakesEconomical use cost and recommended use dilution, Chlorine free formulation helps assure compatibility with membrane to Extent membrane life.Other Valuable Product :::REVERSE OSMOSIS MEMBRANE CLEANER1) Membrane Cleaner RXSOL- 3304 :::RO membrane cleaners is specifically designed to remove iron fouling for silica. It also has effectiveness against calcium carbonate scaling. RXSOL-33-3304-025 performance can be enhanced by adding low / high ph cleaners to the cleaning solution although some minor ph correction may be necessary. It should always be used as recommended by the membrane manufacturer or equipment supplier, in respect to cleaning ph and temperature. it also contains organic dispersants that helps to break down colloidal clay deposits and imparts better efficacy to biocides by penetrating into films. it is specifically developed for removing iron, silica, metal silicates, metal oxides/hydroxides and other colloidal/particulate based foulants from ro membranes. It is also effective to remove calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and silt.As RXSOL-33-3304-025 is buffered, the cleaning solution will stabilise at pH 3.6. High level of active substance.2) RXSOL RO -1 Heavy Soil Cleaner :::
This is a concentrated liquid detergent additive developed specifically for extraordinary soils caused by periodic fluctuations in membrane processes including RO, NF, UF and MF. RXSOL R/O-1 , Inorganic Cleaner : It is heavy duty cleaner for organing Salt deposit as CaCO3, CaSO4, and BaSO4 for RO Membranes.3) RXSOL RO - 3 ::: RXSOL RO-3 is a Metal Oxide Cleaner for Foulant which is caused by heavily deposit metal oxide CaCO3, CaSO4, BaSO4,for RO Membranes. This Membarance cleaner is also very effective fo removal of Acid insoluble Deposits like calcium sulfate Phosphate . |
RXSO-4 is a low pH liquid formulation designed specifically to remove organic foulants (including biological) and scale from reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), ultrafiltration
(UF), and microfiltration (MF) membranes. This product contains a blend of solubilizing and complexing agents, as well as a surfactant to enhance cleaning efficacy. Used in tandem with an alkaline cleaner, this highly effective product provides superior cleanings, resulting in longer system running times and optimal membrane life expectancy.
This liquid membrane detergent specifically designed for cleaning reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration and microfiltration membranes.5) RXSOL RO - 2 Bio Film Cleaner ::: RXSOL RO-2 is a silica and biofilm cleaner to remove the fouling which resulted from the accumulation of foulant such as Silica and biofilm on the semi - Prermable Membrane surface.