Item Code: RXSOL-33-3320-025
RXSOL ORG - 10 Membrane ALKA Clean :
ORG 10 is a high pH formultion that has been designed specifically to remove organics, silt and other particulate deposits from polyamide, polysulfone and thin film composite membrane surfaces. This advanced, high s trength powder has the following features:
ORG 10 is suitable for use with all polyamide, polysulfone and thin film, composite membranes. It can be used at temperatures from 15°C (60°F) up to the maximum recommended by the membrane manufacturer.The standard dilution ratio is 25 grammes of ORG 10 per litre of water. Part No. : RXSOL-33-3320-025.
Other Valueadded ProductsORG MC 882 (Membrane Cleaner ) Concentrated alkaline cleaner effective on a wide range of organic foulants Buffered pH to maintain optimum cleaning performance throughout cleaning cycle Liquid cleaner easily diluted to application strength Optimal results when used in a program that includes an acid-based ORG MC 882 product.Application: For use on ultrafiltration (UF) and micro-filtration (MF) membranes Formulated to dissolve organic precipitants from the membrane surface Effective in removing biological slime and bacterial byproduct Can be implemented in a chemically enhanced backwash process to increase system run times. Part No.: RXSOL-33-3324-025.
Sodium Hydroxyde Based Alkleen Cleaner RXSOL-19-1425-025 NaOH solution for cleaning of RO and Ultra Filtration (UF) membranes, neutralization of cleaning acid solution and control of pH of potable water
ORG Clean MC 103 (Membrane Cleaner) RXSOL-33-3322-025 It is a low pH, liquid formulation designed specifically to remove metal hydroxides, calcium carbonate, and other similiar scales from reverse osmosis (RO), nanofiltration (NF), microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) membranes. This highly effective.
REVERSE OSMOSIS MEMBRANE CLEANER RO membrane cleaners is specifically designed to remove iron fouling for silica. It also has effectiveness against calcium carbonate scaling. RXSOL-33-3304-025 performance can be enhanced by adding low / high ph cleaners to the cleaning solution although some minor ph correction may be necessary. It should always be used as recommended by the membrane manufacturer or equipment supplier, in respect to cleaning ph and temperature. it also contains organic dispersants that helps to break down colloidal clay deposits and imparts better efficacy to biocides by penetrating into films. it is specifically developed for removing iron, silica, metal silicates, metal oxides/hydroxides and other colloidal/particulate based foulants from ro membranes. It is also effective to remove calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and silt.ORG MC 511 Membrane Alka Cleaner :
ORG MC 511 (Membrane Cleaner) is a high pH liquid formulation designed to remove organics, silt, and other particulate deposits from polysulfone, fluorocarbon, and all polyamide thin film composite reverse osmosis (RO) and ultrafiltration (UF) membranes. The product is effectively used in nanofiltration (NF), and microfiltration (MF) application. This product provides superior cleanings allowing longer run times. Part No. : RXSOL-33-3323-025 .