Square Epil is a laser family where are available: a type with double source Alexandrite and Nd:YAG that works in both blended and sequential way with high energy for eachimpulse up to 130J at 1 Hz; a type with double source of Alexandrite with high energy for each impulse up to 110J at 1 Hz; types with one source Alexandrite or Nd:YAG. In each of these models change the lamp, it’s a very easy and very cheap operation and the operator can do it by himself. The lamp life is longer than our competitors’ lamp life, it’s incomparable! This characteristic allows a return on investment in very short times.
Square Epil double source Alex+Yag has a frequency of the pulse repetition up to 3 Hz, a circular spot size up to 30 mm and a square spot size up to 27×27 mm, with a fluence up to 18J/cm2. These features allow treating a body surface equal to 7×3=21cm2 per second! Hair removal of legs and back becomes a fast and effectual treatment, considering that the depth of penetration depends on the spot size. The possibility of mix Alexandrite and Nd:YAG allows the treatment of all skin’s phototypes, from I to VI, allowing the use of the device for the whole year.
Square Epil is highly appreciated by both doctors and patients because of the: