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Two matrons whose duties will be to ensure the physical and mental well being of the children at all times, duties to include; assisting them get ready for school, getting them ready for after school activities, ensuring that they eat, ensuring that they are appropriately dressed at all times, completion of homework. Matrons will take shifts to ensure that there is a matron on the premises at all times Two cleaners to ensure cleanliness of the premises as well as ensuring that the children's clothes and necessary school wear is always ready and clean at all times. A cook responsible for all meals, mid day snacks, lunch packs. Meals to include main meal and dessert at supper. An administrative assistant responsible for the day to day running of the home. A groundskeeper - during the day responsible for day to day maintenance as well as gate keeper during the day. A driver responsible for transportation of children to various schools and after school activities. 24 hour security guard from a reputable security company A part time teacher responsible for daily homework supervision. All staff members will be trained in First aid courses to include CPR, treatment of sprains and bruises, poison treatment, treatment of burns e.t.c. Certificates obtained will be available for inspection upon request.

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