Oasis International Trading F.Z.C - | E-Showroom
Oasis International Trading F.Z.C - | E-Showroom
Year by year houses made of round wooden log become more and more popular. Many of us worry about ecological situation, that’s why people are choosing to invest in quality of living. Financial instability, difficult ecological situation all over the world, absence of other investment opportunities – you can give all these reasons to explain, why wooden houses are so popular at the moment. Of course reliability, durability and aesthetic beauty of wooden houses are not the least of all the factors. There is a wide choice of building materials, but we advise you to pay attention to round log.
It is quite easy to build round log houses and at the same time they look very nice. Round logs are processed on special log machine tool, that’s why building of these houses does not require any special abilities and allows constructing them relatively quick at the final site. At the same time they look rather decent.
Round log wooden houses are built according to the mosaic principle, what gives them a nice look and at the same time makes them especially steady to heat and wind.
Logs have thermal mass because of their cellular structure, bulk and thickness. Wooden houses are very good to their owners. First of all, pores pass the fresh air, what helps to air the room. Secondly, wood emits phytoncides in air. Breathing them in can help a person to get rid of several diseases. According the statistics a person, who lives in a wooden house, does not get sick so often as the city dweller. The term “ecological house” appeared not long ago. It appeared in the middle of the 20th century, when cities and towns grew rapidly. That’s when people realized that houses made of natural materials have a lot of advantages. The main reason is that the ecological situation in the world worsens day by day.
Wooden houses are ecologically pure products. They are built of ecologically pure materials. For example Brick houses are neutral to the human health; wooden houses have a wholesome effect on the human health and can give him a good mood. The air in wooden houses is pure, clean and light and differs from the air in brick houses. You can feel it right when you enter a wooden house.
Wood is a natural conditioner in addition. Wooden houses can keep indoor climate which is really useful for human health.
If you want your house to be built according modern standards and technologies, if you want your house to be lasting and ecologically pure, you should apply to our company. Our designers will consider all your wishes and will create a wonderful project of your house.
Advantages of houses made of round logs:
- All processing of logs occurs on manufacture, and the constructed house does not require additional materials, and also does not require internal and external furnish;
- Round logs are made with the maximum accuracy and are marked and numbered what simplifies the process of building and reduces expenses;
- The customer has an opportunity to assembly the log construction by himself;
- Thanks to a natural wood these houses look especially beautiful and nice;
- It is possible to realize any individual project;
- The main advantage of round log houses is their durability and heat and wind resistance.
- Wooden houses are earthquake resistant (up to 9 points according the Richter scale - stone or brick houses are damaged or fully destroyed. Wooden houses are only twisted or deformed).